The Originals Finale Party Update
First off THANK YOU THANK YOU for coming to Covington aka Mystic Falls for all of the Finale parties for Vampire Diaries through out the years. The Epic event we had for the last episode of TVD was so much fun! We know that all of you guys are getting super excited and ready to plan for The Originals Finale party this summer. Thank you so much for reaching out via email and social media.
*****EDITED May 24,2018
WARNER BROTHERS has confirmed the Finale air date as August 1st. So Save the Date and start making plans! The Finale Party is and always has been at the same time the finale airs so that there are no spoilers. The fun in the Finale party is watching it with your friends together for the first time. That is why we did not put out the date until WB confirmed to make sure that when you make plans you are coming the same day it was airing.

Please keep in mind that until Warner Brothers can give us a for sure date that the Finale will air we cannot release information to you. I promise as soon as we know the date we will post!!! The City of Covington, Vampire Stalkers and all of our local businesses are looking forward to welcoming each and everyone of you back very soon! Keep checking back here and make sure you are following us on Facebook and twitter.

PS: Make sure you check out our new items in our online store. Our Michealson Crest shirts and our Salvatore Boarding School Shirts and Tank tops are going fast.
Available in our store and our online store here on the website.